Göttingen Campus Postdoc Network Events

The Göttingen Campus Postdoc Committee organizes regular events for information exchange and networking.
In addition, other workshops, seminars and events of interest to Postdocs are shown here.




ALL WELCOME – partners, colleagues, friends etc.
When:  Thursday 12 September from 18:00
Where: Gartenhaus, Friedrichstraße 3-4, 37073 Göttingen (Gartenhaus website or Google maps)
Why: An opportunity to relax, share research ideas and find solutions together. You can talk to members of the Postdoc Committee and let them know what you would like from your Network. Or find out more about opportunities to apply to join the Postdoc Committee!
Other: Look for the blue Postdoc Network posters or cards on the table. Gartenhaus serve vegan and veggie streetfood and a range of drinks. If you can, drop Melissa an email to let her know you’re coming but fine to turn up spontaneously. And it’s fine to turn up later too.

Göttingen’s Postdoc Support and Information Fair 2024

When: from 14:30 to 17:30 on Thursday 14 March 2024 – with pizza at 17:30. Everyone welcome
Where: Physics building, Nordcampus, Friedrich Hund Platz 1, 37077 Göttingen
Why: Come along and chat with experts to shine a light on your career! Get inspired and inform your next steps; discover opportunities at the Campus and beyond; meet other Postdocs and build your network.
Other: organised by postdocs for postdocs, wherever you are based and whatever your discipline but all researchers and administrators welcome. Queries and suggestions to: melissa.sollich(at)uni-goettingen.de

More information and participating stalls