Members & Associate partners
The Göttingen location has come to be synonymous with high-quality international research. To ensure that this remains the case in the future, the University of Göttingen, including the University Medical Center, and seven non-university local research centres have joined forces to form the Göttingen Campus. More information
The Göttingen Campus Council (GCC) is the main governing body for the Göttingen Campus. It represents the interests of all Campus members, develops joint strategic directions for the Göttingen Campus and ensures standards and quality. More information
Academic Awards & Honours
In their history, the institutes of the Göttingen Campus have been highly successful in attracting the "best minds". The outstanding scientists have established the international reputation of the institutions and continue to shape their profile to this day. Here you will find a small selection of the long list of historical personalities who have studied or researched in Göttingen, as well as an overview of current award winners. More information
History of research in göttingen
The history of research in Göttingen began in 1737, with the founding of the university. In the following centuries scientists shaped the city and international research in many areas. Here you will find an overview of outstanding events as well as the origin of the Göttingen Campus. More information