For postdocs and other early career researchers, joining networks is the ideal way to access appropriate support, opportunities and information for your needs and career stage. Here are some of the networks across the campus. If there are others that you have benefited from, please let us know.
Networks across Göttingen
Alumni Göttingen
The Göttingen Alumni Network connects more than 30,000 former students and graduates with Göttingen University and its current work, teaching and research. Whether you are looking to keep in touch with old friends and class mates from your time at Göttingen or want to share you ideas, experience and expertise - your contribution makes this network a thriving and lively community. There are ample opportunities for you to network with fellow professionals and likeminded people at Alumni events in Göttingen and in cities across Germany, Asia and the USA.
GAUSS Career Services for postdocs
Supports junior scientists in life and natural sciences to reach their career goals inside and outside academia. Primarily for postdocs but also senior PhD students based in one of the GAUSS faculties or non-university institutions within GAUSS. The GAUSS Career Service offers a wide range of tailored services to provide you with the best support possible, as for example individual counselling and job application advice, workshops, networking and alumni events.
E-mail | Registration | Linked-In: Postdocs@Gauss Career Service.
Mothers in Science
The network "Netzwerk Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft" (Network motherhood and science) is for all mothers who work in science, want to network, inform and exchange ideas. Sandra Raab organises the network in Göttingen and she runs a Facebook group here: Netzwerk Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft Göttingen. You can also contact her via mail sraab(at)
MPI for Multidisciplinary Sciences PhD-Postdoc Community
Network for Postdocs and PhD students at the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences. Aims to foster interaction by organising Get Togethers, Career Seminars, “soft skill”/Scientific Seminars and much more.
Open Science
you can get involved with Open Science initiatives in Göttingen by signing up to their mailing list here
WOCANET: Women’s Careers and Networks
WoCaNet brings students, researchers, and established scientific professionals together for a stimulating two-day event. In an open and inspiring environment, ideas and experiences on building careers and achieving a successful work-life balance can be shared:
The network is for early career researchers in Göttingen focussing on cancer, who are in the first three years of your postdoc or in the PhD/MD phase. Please contact Alexander Müller.
Göttingen Uni´s Foyer International organises a number of events which researchers across the Campus are welcome to join. Whether workshops in gardening, theatre or international cooking, it’s a perfect opportunity to grow your own network. Please RSVP to in case they need to limit numbers. You can check events on Instagram @teamfoyer, or web:
Networks across Germany
German postdoc network
A holistic community to inform, connect and support postdocs. Check out their website and join their mailing list here:
The Leibniz PostDoc Network was founded to provide a communication platform for all postdoctoral researchers in the Leibniz Association to give them a distinctive and united voice. If you are associated with a Leibniz institute or funding, it is recommended to sign up. And even if you aren’t, note that many of their useful resources are available to everyone: such as their Welcome Package for international PostDocs coming to Germany or their Blog.
The Max Planck Society’s PostdocNet is a network representing postdoctoral researchers across the MPS. It is recommended you sign up if you have any links to the MPS. And even if you don’t, note the interesting surveys, research and resources available on this website. In addition, many of their talks and #BreakTheStigma events about mental health are available to everyone.
MAWI: Network against Abuse of Power in Science
The MAWI Network against Abuse of Power in Science was founded to raise awareness about abuses of power in academia and to provide independent advice to individuals who are experiencing problems of this kind. In addition, the network offers assistance to ombudspersons dealing with cases of power abuse, as well as to academic institutions seeking to take preventive measures. One of the founder members of the MAWI Network, Professor Jana Lasser, gave a talk at Göttingen and the talk is available here and her slides here.
Young Medical Ethics Network (JMED)
Young Medical Ethics Network (JMED) offers Postdocs and late-stage PhD students in the interdisciplinary field of medical ethics a platform for networking, continuing education and professional orientation.