Funding opportunities

To put in a fellowship or research grant funding application, get in touch with the appropriate experts across the Göttingen Campus with as much notice as possible (see below).

If you are a researcher in Göttingen, make sure you are signed-up to receive the GC Postdoc Network newsletter to get regular updates about funding, prizes, and similar opportunities, as well as tips and training to make sure you put in the best application.

Several funding programmes are available for postdocs and other early career researchers  at the Göttingen Campus:

If you are part of the University, check out the Research Department, here and (for EU projects) here and Göttingen International for Education and Mobility programmes. If you are part of the wider Göttingen Campus see the GAUSS page.


Göttingen Campus Resources

  • GAUSS new webpage tool: find research funding opportunities in MINT (STEM): attracting research funding is one of first steps on the road to academic independence. There are lots of options for postdocs depending on your career level, length of the project or research plan. To support you in navigating through the different funding schemes, explore your options here.
  • GAUSS collection of Trainee Programmes for MINT (STEM) – check out their webpage tool
    A training program is one option to start your career in industry and can be a great opportunity. As there are many in different sectors (eg Pharma, Chemical Industry, Consulting, Precision Engineering), we collated nearly 50 and listed them on this webpage categorised by industry and all with a short profile. At all these companies, alumni of GAUSS/GGNB are employed at all these companies. Find out more here.

External Sources

  • A very useful external source of advice is the Federal Funding Advisory Service on Research and Innovation. They can help you identify a whole range of funding opportunities from various German government initiatives. They can also help you find local, national and EU research schemes, recommend partners, support international projects and much more.  You can contact them by phone or email.
  • You may like to sign up to FIT (Forschung Internationales Transfer) which provides current calls from a range of funders. You can subscribe to FIT and select the type of calls and how often you want to be informed.
  • Postdocs will also find this funding website useful - Research in Germany.
  • Individual grants: German Research Foundation (DFG) has published a How-To Guide about individual grants programmes - whether for individual projects or people. It also includes tips for your proposal.  

Upcoming Funding opportunities

Sorted by deadline


  • Volkswagen Stiftung – Pioneering Research – Exploring the Unknown Unknown supports groundbreaking and risky research ideas with high scientific relevance – basic research projects that strive to explore the unknown unknown with high potential for major scientific breakthroughs but also for failure. 3 to 5 years funding open to applications from postdocs or professors. Deadline for draft proposals: 3 September
  • Present your research/start-up at Hanover’s trade fair for industry (31 March-4 April 2025). Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK) will have a joint stand with local universities to give them a chance to present their research and start-ups. If you would like to present your project, contact your local Research and Transfer Department (email Jasmine Duwell) to find out about the application process. Deadline: 10 September
  • MSCA (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) Postdoc Fellowshipsfor postdocs in any discipline with no more than eight years full-time research experience who want to carry out research abroad, acquire new skills and develop their careers. The aim is to help researchers gain experience in other countries, disciplines and non-academic sectors. There are two types: European Postdoctoral Fellowships which last 1 or 2 years and are open to those of any nationality moving within EU or to EU from another part of the world) to pursue their research career. Global Postdoctoral Fellowships fund the mobility outside EU and last 2 to 3 years, of which the first 1 or 2 years is outside, followed by a mandatory return phase of 1 year - and nationality/residency criteria apply. Please check the nationality/residency, mobility regulations and definitions of which countries are eligible for each type. The National Contact points are your way to get guidance, practical information and assistance about the scheme. You can also get advice from KoWi here. Get in touch with the admin team who would be administering your application well in advance and contact the experts here below. Deadline: 11 September.
  • (In German Deutsche Thermoelektrik-Gesellschaft Young Talent Award for the best submitted thesis in the field of thermoelectrics, which should not be significantly older than one year. Dissertations, diploma and master's theses as well as outstanding bachelor's theses that cover at least one subfield of thermoelectrics can be submitted, including theory, material development, measurement technology, material and module technology, system engineering and/or applications of thermoelectrics. Scientific and technological originality and inventiveness, which lead to new solutions or applications, are essential criteria and the prize is worth €1,000. Theses can be in English or German but the short summary must be in German. Deadline: 15 September
  • Martin Buber Society Fellowship (Humanities and Social Sciences): gives funding to postdocs who are within 5 years of completing their PhD and are German or Israeli, or completed their PhD at a German or Israeli University. Research can be in any field of the Humanities and Social sciences, excluding purely technical work in the fields of applied economics or practical law. Fellows are awarded 9000 NIS as a monthly stipend and expected to be in residence 4 days per week, encouraged to move to Jerusalem to pursue their research and become part of the academic community at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Research does not have to be related to Israel, Germany or Israel-German relations. Deadline: 18 September


  • Daimler and Benz Foundation Postdoctoral Scholarships to reinforce the independence and creativity of the next generation of researchers in any discipline – in particular humanities, social sciences and cultural studies are underrepresented. The funding provides €40,000 for two years and can be used for various purposes, such as research assistants, technical equipment, trips or conferences, as well as opportunities to be part of a network of scholars which helps promote exchange of ideas. Deadline: 1 October
  • DFG: Interdisciplinary Projects under the Reinhart Koselleck Programme for outstanding researchers with a proven scientific track record to pursue exceptionally interdisciplinary and innovative projects. The call is open to all scientific disciplines and research topics that allow an interdisciplinary approach. The proposals should meet the criteria of the Reinhart Koselleck programme and show a high degree of innovation and risk. Applications from individual and two applicants are eligible. Deadline: 15 October
  • AIMS DFG Collaboration Visits Programme in Mathematical Sciences: early career researchers are particularly encouraged to apply for researchers in the German research system to visit one of the six AIMS centres in Africa, as well as guests visits to Germany by ECRs from African countries. The visits are for a maximum of three months and the main focus is to facilitate collaboration visits. Deadline: 15 October
  • ERC Starting Grants for promising early-career researchers of any nationality in any field of research with 2-7 years’ experience after PhD who are ready to work independently and move towards being a research leader. The proposed research should be in any research organisation in the EU or associated countries. They are for up to €1.5 million and up to 5 years. Please contact the proposed host EU office as soon as possible for support in applying.  They will be able to help you optimise your application. Deadline: 15 October 
  • (In German) Max-Eder Junior Research Group by the Deutsche Krebshilfe to support highly qualified early career researchers (normally under 35 years) specializing in oncology to establish an independent research group and further develop their scientific career by changing location. The funds last 4 years (+ 3 years extension possible) and cover salaries, consumables, facilities, travel. Deadline22 October (February, June 2025 deadlines to be announced)
  • GSO Klaus Tschira (KT) Boost Fund: for postdocs in the Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science who would like up to €120,000 for up to 24 months of flexible funding which includes tailored career development support. Find out more at their online event on Tuesday 10 September at 16:00. Register here. Deadline: 23 October

November and later

  • ERC Synergy Grants: applications from any group of two to four outstanding researchers of any nationality in any field with 2-7 years of experience since completing their PhD. The topic should be so ambitious that it cannot be dealt with you or your team alone. It must demonstrate that the different investigators need to bring different skills and resources together to tackle a research problem. Please contact the proposed host EU office as soon as possible for support in applying.  They will be able to help you optimise your application. Deadline:  6 November
  • John F Kennedy Memorial Fellowship for Visiting Post-doctoral Fellowship to be held at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University: up to 3 fellowships to German postdocs who are in the process of writing their habilitation or equivalent research in the Social Sciences.  Topics should focus on Europe, transatlantic issues and/or the United States. Deadline: 11 November
  • Adolf Martens Fellowship Programme funds postdoc junior scientists who obtained their PhD (in an area of expertise matching BAM’s scientific direction) outside Germany within the last 3 years. BAM tests, researches and advises on protection for people, the environment and materials, and sets safety standards in technology and chemistry for Germany and its global markets. Please email for more information before submitting any documents. Funding is for one year: Deadlines: 30 November, (31 March 2025, 31 July 2025)
  • (in German) Deutsche Lungenstiftung German Dissertation Prize Pneumology 2023 for the best experimental dissertation work in the field of pneumology to early career researchers (under 35 when completing doctoral procedure). Dissertation must be carried out in Germany, written in German (or a translation into German provided). Award includes an invitation to give a lecture and €3,000. Deadline:15 December
  • Roman Herzog Research Prize for Social Market Economy will honour outstanding works – whether dissertations or habilitations – which provide important scientific approaches to the further development of the successful model of the social market economy. Applications are welcomed from individuals, teams or institutions and the prize is €35,000. Deadline: 31 December
  • (in German) Walter Schulz Stiftung: Cancer research prize €10,000 for early career scientists under 40 years of age who have made outstanding achievements in tumour research. Deadline: 31 December
  • ERC Consolidator Grants: These are personal awards that provide a lot of independence for researchers with 7-12 years’ experience who want to establish a research team and continue to develop their career in Europe. Please contact the proposed host EU office as soon as possible for support in applying.  They will be able to advise you and have details about all the support you need for the process. Deadline: 14 January 2025


  • ALEXANDER von HUMBOLDT JSPS Research Fellowship up to 24 months in Japan for postdocs with permanent residence in Germany in all disciplines. Applications are generally processed four to seven months. Deadline: open 

    MSC4Ukraine (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions for Ukraine)has been launched to support postdocs and PhD candidates from Ukraine (in residence on 24 February 2022 and displaced after that date or ready to relocate). The programme will match researchers with institutes and fellowships will be offered on a rolling basis from January 2023.  Deadline: open
  • DFG Emmy Noether programme applications: for highly qualified early career researchers and junior professors (normally up to 4 years after PhD completion and at least 2 years of postdoc experience) on temporary contracts who want the chance to qualify for the post of professor at a university by leading an independent junior research group for six years. (The eligibility period has been extended by 3 months due to the coronavirus pandemic for those who would otherwise have to apply by 31 December 2022). Deadline: proposals can be submitted at any time.
  • DFG Walter Benjamin Programmeenables researchers in the postdoctoral training phase to independently conduct their own research project at a location of their choice for 2 years. The project can be carried out at a research institution in Germany or abroad, with the host institution providing support for the project. Applications can be submitted at any time. Frequently asked questions are here.  Contacts are subject-specific and can be found here. Deadline: at any time
  • EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Postdoctoral Fellowshipssupport researchers for two years and international mobility is a key requirement. Fellowship includes a salary or stipend, laboratory leadership training, access to an EMBO global network, relocation allowance and support for those with kids. Applications accepted throughout the year.
  • EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Scientific Exchange Grantssupport researchers for up to three months between laboratories in eligible countries – facilitating collaborations with research groups with expertise, techniques or infrastructure that is unavailable in the applicant’s laboratory. They cover travel and subsistence costs. Applications accepted throughout the year.
  • EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Core Facility Fellowshipssupport training for core facility staff (including scientists and technicians) in specific techniques in core facilities that provide services to research institutions or universities. The fellowships contribute towards travel and subsistence costs. Applications accepted throughout the year.
  • Exist Business Funding for University-based Business Start-ups  by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate funding. The application comes from the University/research institute but is driven by researchers (potential entrepreneurs) who hand their business idea to the University. More info about the scheme is here. Applications must be in German. Deadline: on-going
  • Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship - the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation provides sponsorship for research stays worldwide (length of 6 to 24 months for postdocs), for researchers from Germany in all disciplines and all career stages. Applicants choose an academic host from some 15,000 academics in the Humboldt Network abroad. Deadline: Apply throughout the year but well in advance of committee meetings in February, June and October
  • Fritz Thyssen Foundation Research Stipendsto support highly qualified individual junior scholars who generally received their doctoral degree one or two years ago. It provides postdocs with an opportunity to focus on a research project for a limited period of time and the stipends can be used to enable scholars to familiarise themselves with a new field of research or to write an article for publication. Funding in the following areas: history, language and culture; interdisciplinary field “image-sound-language”; state, economy and society; medicine and the natural sciences. Deadline: applications can be submitted at any time and an answer is generally provided within 8 weeks.
  • Fulbright Germany: Reisestipendien für deutsche Wissenschaftler*innenfor scientists with German citizenship for teaching or research stays in the US for 3 to 12 months. Fulbright Germany encourages applications from diverse groups who are traditionally underrepresented in academia. No deadline but apply at least nine months before you intend to travel
  • Liebig Postdoc Fellowships are to help start the careers of prospective university teachers in the field of chemistry. Postdocs from chemistry and related fields can get funding to continue their scientific experience at another working group and university (different from their PhD which should have been completed within three years). Deadline: at any time
  • Leopoldina Postdoc ScholarshipPostdoctoral scientists in Germany, Austria and Switzerland who already show independence in natural science or medicine to conduct research abroad. Contact: PD Dr Andreas Clausing. Deadline: applications can be submitted at any time and are considered four times a year.
  • VolkswagenStiftung: support in Germany for Scientists/Scholars from Afghanistan (or who have fled Afghanistan): scientists in Germany are eligible to apply if they have received research funding from the VolkswagenStiftung in the last 10 years. Scientists can apply to bring researchers from Afghanistan (or scholars/scientists who have fled Afghanistan) to work on their research project. Potential PhD students could be funded although the initial funding period would only cover 2 years. In all cases, please discuss potential applications directly with the VolkswagenStiftung before applying. Open deadline.
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds travel grants for postdocs, PhD researchers and medical students working on experimental projects in basic biomedical research who want to travel for courses with at least 50% practical work and laboratory visits. Deadline: open but you must apply at least six weeks and no more than six months before the planned date of departure.
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships – 18 months for medical students to pursue ambitious, experimental projects in basic biomedical research (worldwide). Applicants must study human medicine in Germany and change cities and institutions for at least ten consecutive months to work in an internationally renowned laboratory. Benefits include a monthly stipend, seminars, travel allowances, individual support, access to a network. Deadline: open but you must apply at least three months before the planned start date.

Research Grant experts across the Campus to support your application

To put in a fellowship or research grant funding application, get in touch with the appropriate experts across Göttingen Campus with as much notice as possible:

UNI Lisa Grow (0551) 39 28252 Research Dept, National and international funding (Humanities)
UNI Felix Spöler (0551) 39 28245 Research Dept, National and international funding (Natural and Life Sciences)
UNI Ricarda Blumentritt (0551) 39 21320 Göttingen International, EU programmes (Horizon Europe MSCA and Erasmus+)
UNI Jakob Hedderich (0551) 39 21326 Göttingen International, DAAD
UNI Claudia Sueltmann (0551) 39 28254 EU Office
UNI Christian Schöpper (0551) 39 28253 EU Office
UMG Team Research Management (0551) 39 61270 Research Management
MPI Kerstin Mosch (0551) 3899 453 Forschung EU
MPI Ulrike Gerischer (0551) 201 1283 Forschung
DPZ Björg Pauling (0551) 3851 454  
DPZ Robert Teepe (0551) 3851 122