Finanzielle Förderung
Um einen Antrag auf ein Stipendium oder ein Forschungsstipendium zu stellen, sollten Sie sich so früh wie möglich mit den entsprechenden Expert*innen am Göttingen Campus in Verbindung setzen (siehe Tabelle am Ende der Seite).
Wissenschaftler*innen des Göttingen Campus, empfehlen wir den Newsletter des GC Postdoc Network zu abbonieren, um aktuelle Informationen über Förderungen, Preise oder ähnliches zu erhalten.
Innerhalb des Göttingen Campus gibt es diverse finanzielle Förderprogramme für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen
- Dorothea Schlözer-Postdoktorandinnenprogramm
- Graduiertenschule für Geisteswissenschaften Göttingen (GSGG)
- Heidenreich von Siebold-Programm
- EXIST-Gründerstipendium
- DAAD Fördermöglichkeiten für Postdocs
- SüdniedersachsenInnovationsCampus (SNIC)
- Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS) - Research Funding
Wenn Sie bei der Universität tätig sind, besuchen Sie die Abteilung Forschung, hier und (für EU-Projekte) hier und Göttingen International für Bildungs- und Mobilitätsprogramme. Wenn Sie bei einem Göttingen Campus Mitglied tätig sind, besuchen Sie die GAUSS-Seite.
Göttingen Campus Ressourcen
- GAUSS neues Webpage-Tool: Findet Möglichkeiten der Forschungsförderung in MINT (STEM): Die Einwerbung von Forschungsgeldern ist einer der ersten Schritte auf dem Weg zur akademischen Unabhängigkeit. Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten für Postdocs, je nach Karrierestufe, Dauer des Projekts oder Forschungsplan. Um bei der Navigation durch die verschiedenen Förderprogramme zu unterstützen, gibt es nun ein neues Tool.
- GAUSS Sammlung von Trainee-Programmen für MINT (STEM)
Auf dieser Webseite sind 50 Trainee-Programme nach Branchen geordnet und mit einem Kurzprofil aufgelistet. Bei all diesen Unternehmen sind Alumni der GAUSS/GGNB beschäftigt.
Externe Unterstützung
- Eine sehr nützliche externe Beratungsquelle ist die Fördermittelberatung des Bundes für Forschung und Innovation. Sie hilft Ihnen diverse Fördermöglichkeiten aus verschiedenen Initiativen der Bundesregierung zu identifizieren, sowie lokale, nationale und EU-Forschungsprogramme zu finden und vieles mehr.
- Zusätzlich können Sie sich bei FIT (Forschung Internationales Transfer) anmelden, das aktuelle Ausschreibungen auflistet.
- Für Postdocs ist auch diese Förderwebsite auch nützlich: Forschung in Deutschland.
- Einzelförderung: Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) hat einen Leitfaden zur Einzelförderung veröffentlicht - ob für einzelne Projekte oder Personen. Er enthält auch Tipps für Anträge
- Cozzarelli PNAS prize 2025: for research teams who published in PNAS that went online between 16 December 2023 and 15 December 2024. You may not nominate your own paper but PNAS encourage you to alert colleagues who could nominate your paper if they consider it to be scientifically excellent and original. In particular, those who reviewed or cited or commented on an excellent paper are encouraged to nominate it. There is an award ceremony. Deadline: 2 January 2025
- ERC Consolidator Grants: These are personal awards that provide a lot of independence for researchers with 7-12 years’ experience who want to establish a research team and continue to develop their career in Europe. Please contact the proposed host EU office as soon as possible for support in applying. They will be able to advise you and have details about all the support you need for the process. Deadline: 14 January 2025
- The Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators is granted annually to researchers up to 35 years old, with an advanced degree, for outstanding contributions to biomedical research in Europe based on methods of molecular biology, including novel analytical concepts. The prize is 20,000 EUR. Deadline: 15 January 2025
- Branco Weiss Fellowship – society in science to support postdocs after their PhD and before their first appointment, in unconventional projects outside the mainstream of science, engineering and social sciences. Fellows can use CHF 600,000 to pursue their science for up to five years. You must show a willingness to engage in a dialogue on relevant social, cultural, political or economic issues beyond the frontiers of your particular discipline. You must not have held your PhD for more than five years at the time of the deadline. Deadline: 15 January 2025
- (in German) William Stern Program provides research funding to stimulate new research in the field of giftedness and to attract new researchers to the topic. Applications can be up to €500,000 and relevant fields include psychology, educational science and teaching, as well as interfaces with other disciplines. The following are of particular interest: giftedness equity, early education, school and teaching, family research, as well as crises, change and challenges. Open Science and interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. Deadline: 15 January 2025
- (in German) Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators in partnership with Nature recognises outstanding contributions to biomedical research in Europe based on methods of molecular biology, including novel analytical concepts. Applicants must not be older than 35 years of age at the type of entry (exceptions apply). The award is worth €20,000. Deadline: 15 January 2025
- SAFE Project – supporting At-risk researchers with Fellowships in Europe: up to 60 fellowships for at-risk PhD and Postdoc researchers of any non-EU nationality whether currently inside or outside the EU for a research-stay for up to 24 months, funded by European Research Executive Agency (REA). There is a “match-making service” available until 13 December to help researchers identify host institutions. Applications come from host institutions on behalf of at-risk fellows. Deadline: 20 January 2025
- (in German) AMA Innovationspreis – the AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement invites applications for their prize which recognises new research and development projects or innovative products. Prize money is €10,000. Deadline: 23 January 2025(In German)
- Ars Legendi faculty prize for mathematics and natural sciences to recognise the importance of university teaching. Prizes of €5,000 are awarded in the categories of life sciences, chemistry, mathematics and physics for outstanding, innovative and exemplary achievements. Nominations can be from the student council, local representatives of the professional societies, deans of studies or self-nominations. Deadline: 26 January 2025
- Klee Prize – for the promotion of early career scientists (not over the age of 35 on 31 Jan 2025) who are awarded €5,000, €2,000 or €1,000 for a scientific contribution from a German institution in the field of biomedical engineering as an interdisciplinary subject, engineering solutions to current clinical problems, or scientific contributions for diagnostics or therapy. The contribution could be published / submitted after 1 Jan 2024 in an academic journal, as a dissertation or habilitation or as a book. Deadline: 31 January 2025
- Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC) Bilateral Workshops: IGSTC invites proposals for organising Indo-German workshops on areas of mutual interest with an aim towards creating platforms for substantive interactions between scientists / researchers from academia and industry. The workshops have to take place in India or in Germany and to be designed around a specific research topic out of thematic areas relevant to both DST and BMBF, which includes the thematic areas of 2+2 project calls. Any other relevant topics of very high importance may also be considered. Deadlines: 31 January, 31 July 2025
Februar und später
- Humboldt international climate protection fellowshipfor prospective leaders and postdocs with climate expertise for citizens of non-European developing or transition countries who have predominantly been living and working there who completed their degree within the last 12 years and their doctorate no more than four years ago. Check website and contact Humboldt directly with queries. The funding provides 12-24 months of funding for a research project in Germany. Deadline: 1 February
- Max-Eder Junior Research Group by the Deutsche Krebshilfe to support highly qualified early career researchers (normally under 35 years) specializing in oncology to establish an independent research group and further develop their scientific career by changing location. The funds last 4 years (+3 years extension possible) and cover salaries, consumables, facilities, travel. Deadline: 6 February 2025 (22 May 2025, 25 September 2025)
- (In German) Deutsche Krebshilfe Mildred-Scheel-Postdoc Program – for early career medical doctors and natural scientists (PhD within 10 years and applicants normally under 35 years) to carry out projects in clinically oriented oncological basic research or clinical cancer research within Germany for the February deadline (and at renowned institutions abroad for the deadline in November). Funding is a stipend, monthly allowance for conferences and consumables plus one-off start-up fund, family travel allowance. Funding lasts 3 months to 2 years. Deadlines: 21 February 2025 (August, November 2024 deadlines to be announced)
- (Reminder) Humboldt Foundation Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) research fellowships for Postdocs with German citizenship or permanent residence in Germany (but not citizenship/permanent residence in Japan). The fellowship will provide 6-24 months funding with a stipend and other allowances including for travel and insurance. You should have completed your PhD no more than six years ago, have already published and have a very good command of English. Japanese is only necessary if it is crucial for your research topic. Applications in English only and you must have a host in Japan. Deadline: completed application documents including references to be available for their February, June or October meetings
- (In German) German Thesis Award 2024: for German citizens or those who got their PhD at a German university with the oral examination taking place between 1 Jan and 31 Dec 2024. The dissertation and references can be in English but the application, abstract and (subsequent) presentation must be in German. Prizes are awarded in three categories: social sciences; natural and technical sciences; and the humanities and cultural sciences. The application includes an essay, an abstract, references, cv et. First prizes in each category are €25,000 with second and third prizes of €10,000. Deadline: 1 March 2025
- Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung: Adolf Martens Fellowship Programme funds postdoc junior scientists who obtained their PhD (in an area of expertise matching BAM’s scientific direction) outside Germany within the last 3 years. BAM tests, researches and advises on protection for people, the environment and materials, and sets safety standards in technology and chemistry for Germany and its global markets. Please email for more information before submitting any documents. Funding is for one year: Deadlines: 31 March (31 July, 30 November)
- (In German) Johann-Philipp-Reis-Pries 2025 – awarded by the VDE (Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technology) in Germany worth €10,000 for an outstanding, innovative publication in the field of communications engineering. This is for engineers and scientists under the age of 40 whose work has initiated a significant innovation in communications technology that also has an impact on the national economy, or who give reason to expect such a development. Note that the information is also available in English but the English site still shows the information from 2023. Deadline: 15 April 2025
- ALEXANDER von HUMBOLDT JSPS Research Fellowship up to 24 months in Japan for postdocs with permanent residence in Germany in all disciplines. Applications are generally processed four to seven months. Deadline: open
- MSC4Ukraine (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions for Ukraine)has been launched to support postdocs and PhD candidates from Ukraine (in residence on 24 February 2022 and displaced after that date or ready to relocate). The programme will match researchers with institutes and fellowships will be offered on a rolling basis from January 2023. Deadline: open
- DFG Emmy Noether programme applications: for highly qualified early career researchers and junior professors (normally up to 4 years after PhD completion and at least 2 years of postdoc experience) on temporary contracts who want the chance to qualify for the post of professor at a university by leading an independent junior research group for six years. (The eligibility period has been extended by 3 months due to the coronavirus pandemic for those who would otherwise have to apply by 31 December 2022). Deadline: proposals can be submitted at any time.
- DFG Walter Benjamin Programmeenables researchers in the postdoctoral training phase to independently conduct their own research project at a location of their choice for 2 years. The project can be carried out at a research institution in Germany or abroad, with the host institution providing support for the project. Applications can be submitted at any time. Frequently asked questions are here. Contacts are subject-specific and can be found here. Deadline: at any time
- EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Postdoctoral Fellowshipssupport researchers for two years and international mobility is a key requirement. Fellowship includes a salary or stipend, laboratory leadership training, access to an EMBO global network, relocation allowance and support for those with kids. Applications accepted throughout the year.
- EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Scientific Exchange Grantssupport researchers for up to three months between laboratories in eligible countries – facilitating collaborations with research groups with expertise, techniques or infrastructure that is unavailable in the applicant’s laboratory. They cover travel and subsistence costs. Applications accepted throughout the year.
- EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Core Facility Fellowshipssupport training for core facility staff (including scientists and technicians) in specific techniques in core facilities that provide services to research institutions or universities. The fellowships contribute towards travel and subsistence costs. Applications accepted throughout the year.
- Exist Business Funding for University-based Business Start-ups by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate funding. The application comes from the University/research institute but is driven by researchers (potential entrepreneurs) who hand their business idea to the University. More info about the scheme is here. Applications must be in German. Deadline: on-going
- Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship - the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation provides sponsorship for research stays worldwide (length of 6 to 24 months for postdocs), for researchers from Germany in all disciplines and all career stages. Applicants choose an academic host from some 15,000 academics in the Humboldt Network abroad. Deadline: Apply throughout the year but well in advance of committee meetings in February, June and October
- Fritz Thyssen Foundation Research Stipendsto support highly qualified individual junior scholars who generally received their doctoral degree one or two years ago. It provides postdocs with an opportunity to focus on a research project for a limited period of time and the stipends can be used to enable scholars to familiarise themselves with a new field of research or to write an article for publication. Funding in the following areas: history, language and culture; interdisciplinary field “image-sound-language”; state, economy and society; medicine and the natural sciences. Deadline: applications can be submitted at any time and an answer is generally provided within 8 weeks.
- Fulbright Germany: Reisestipendien für deutsche Wissenschaftler*innenfor scientists with German citizenship for teaching or research stays in the US for 3 to 12 months. Fulbright Germany encourages applications from diverse groups who are traditionally underrepresented in academia. No deadline but apply at least nine months before you intend to travel
- Liebig Postdoc Fellowships are to help start the careers of prospective university teachers in the field of chemistry. Postdocs from chemistry and related fields can get funding to continue their scientific experience at another working group and university (different from their PhD which should have been completed within three years). Deadline: at any time
- Leopoldina Postdoc ScholarshipPostdoctoral scientists in Germany, Austria and Switzerland who already show independence in natural science or medicine to conduct research abroad. Contact: PD Dr Andreas Clausing. Deadline: applications can be submitted at any time and are considered four times a year.
- VolkswagenStiftung: support in Germany for Scientists/Scholars from Afghanistan (or who have fled Afghanistan): scientists in Germany are eligible to apply if they have received research funding from the VolkswagenStiftung in the last 10 years. Scientists can apply to bring researchers from Afghanistan (or scholars/scientists who have fled Afghanistan) to work on their research project. Potential PhD students could be funded although the initial funding period would only cover 2 years. In all cases, please discuss potential applications directly with the VolkswagenStiftung before applying. Open deadline.
Expert*innen für Forschungsstipendien unterstützen auf dem gesamten Campus bei Bewerbungen
Um einen Antrag auf ein Stipendium oder ein Forschungsstipendium zu stellen, sollten Sie sich so früh wie möglich mit den entsprechenden Expert*innen am Göttingen Campus in Verbindung setzen:
UNI | Lisa Grow | | (0551) 39 28252 | Research Dept, National and international funding (Humanities) |
UNI | Felix Spöler | | (0551) 39 28245 | Research Dept, National and international funding (Natural and Life Sciences) |
UNI | Ricarda Blumentritt | | (0551) 39 21320 | Göttingen International, EU programmes (Horizon Europe MSCA and Erasmus+) |
UNI | Jakob Hedderich | | (0551) 39 21326 | Göttingen International, DAAD |
UNI | Claudia Sueltmann | | (0551) 39 28254 | EU Office |
UNI | Christian Schöpper | | (0551) 39 28253 | EU Office |
UMG | Team Research Management | | (0551) 39 61270 | Research Management |
MPI | Kerstin Mosch | | (0551) 3899 453 | Forschung EU |
MPI | Ulrike Gerischer | | (0551) 201 1283 | Forschung |
DPZ | Björg Pauling | | (0551) 3851 454 | |
DPZ | Robert Teepe | | (0551) 3851 122 |